Sunday, June 1, 2008

Come one come all to the world famous....WHAT?!?!?

We saw this sign on the way to Jackson. What goes on at such a festival? Your guess is as good as mine.


laura said...

I think we've already commented enough about this...

Anne said...

I love the image on the if we weren't sure they were serious. You know, at dog shows, the testicles are a pretty important part of the wining process (if you're a boy dog). Maybe that is what it was, a cow show with an emphasis on the testicles.

Dave said...

I can't decide what is more disturbing - the sign or the fact that you stopped to take a picture next to it.

Courtney said...

Just for those whose curiosity has can go the following link and view a video that the SL tribune did about the event! It is gross...consider yourself warned!