Thursday, February 18, 2010

Hebgen- President's Day Weekend

We went to Hebgen Lake, Montana over President's Day Weekend with our friends Julie and Ryan Sauve. Scott's parents have a cabin there and we go there a few times each summer, but I have yet to be there in the winter. We X-country skied in with backpacks full of food and clothing for the weekend. It took us about 2 1/2 hours to get to the cabin, but it was worth it. The scenery was beautiful, the temperature was mild (for MT in the winter) and the company was fabulous. Our little dog Scout was too little for some of the snowbanks so we brought a baby carrier and strapped to our bellys. I think we are a little crazy sometimes!! It made for some hilarious photos, for sure!

Some of the pictures are from an early morning that was misty and enchanting...I realized after adding them that they made the weekend look much more cold than it was!
This picture of the pier was sent to us before we left...I don't think the ice has been to kind to it this year!

Frosty Trees

Happy Family!

Julie and Ryan Sauve

The road...well packed by Snowmobile tracks

the south fork (the river that feed into the lake)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Paul Jacobsen and the Madison Arm

Disclaimer: I am related to Mr. Jacobsen (he is my talented brother in law, but I am truly amazed by his talent and skill. I feel that he is someone you should all have on a playlist or two or ten!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Families Helping Families- Christmas 2009

For Christmas this year Scott and I went to Puerto Peñasco to work with a foundation called Families Helping Families. This is the 3rd year that we have been fortunate enough to go and help build homes for hard working families in need. Below are some pictures of the week. I am currently working on a slide show because I have so many photos....I will update this again soon with captions and more details of the week!! But for now, please enjoy some of the photos!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Thanksgiving- Teton Valley Ranch (Bennion Boys Ranch)

The view

Dipped Chocolates for the first they are packaged for Christmas

The Firing Squad

The Targets

Ice Skating on the Pond
like something from a movie

Hannah Jane


Not pictured: The fabulous Turkey dinner and bounties of other delicious food consumed, the headband making, the countless games of hearts and BANG!, snow football, rides on the four wheelers, Rock Band, sled rides, basketball tournaments, approx. 13 of 17 nieces and nephews, and more!