Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Favorites of 2008

I recently read the book "Songbook" by Nick Hornby. The book is a collection of 2-5 page essays about the authors 31 favorite songs of all time. It is short book, it reads fast and i highly recommend it. On the back cover is a quote from Hornby which says: "All I have to say about these songs is that i love them, and i want to sing along to them, and force other people to listen to them, and get cross when these other people don't like them as much as i do." That pretty well sums up my feelings about my favorite music of 2008. I have loved these albums and songs. I hope in this post to express why exactly i love them. (by the way, if you are not interested in Scott's music yada yada yada, feel free so scroll past this post and read a very well done post about our trip to Hawaii which was done by my wife!)

In no particular order:

Bon Iver - For Emma Forever Ago (Album of the Year)
Genre: Indie Folk
First Heard It: On KRCL, they played "Flume," it floored me. I didn't hear them say the name of the artist. For the first and only time in my life i called the radio station to find out who it was and if the record had been released yet.
Favorite Bon Iver Moments: Seeing him play on Letterman. It was just him and three drummers. Feel free to follow the link and watch it on you tube. I hope it gives you goose-bumps like it did to me, and if it doesn't do it for you....please don't tell me.
Best Songs: "Flume" - "Lump Sum" - "Skinny Love" - "For Emma" - "Re: Stacks"
Mixes Well With: Ears

MGMT - Oracular Spectacular
Genre: Electronica
First Heard It: On my brother Andy's girlfriends myspace page (thanks wren!), the song was "time to pretend" I probably listened to it 5 times right then.
Best MGMT Memories: a.)The song is super energetic, and triumphant. The beat is steady and strong. It was on just about every hill climb bike mix i made. I feel pretty confident in saying that i made it up many hills as a result of this song. If you bike you need to try it!
b.) Playing "electric feel" far too loud in Courtney's car while dancing like fools and drumming on the dashboard. You should also try this some time.
Best Songs: "Time to Pretend" - "Electric Feel" - "Kids"
Mixes Well With: Exercise and dancing in the kitchen

Frightened Rabbit - The Midnight Organ Fight
Genre: Folk?
First Heard It: While working on a deck in Farmington with my brother-in-law John.
Best Frightened Rabbit Memories: Courtney Jacobsen "Is this a new counting crows album" yeah it was funny, but he really does sound like Adam duritz sometimes.
Best Songs: "Backwards Walk" - "Old Old Fashioned" - "Floating in the Forth" - "Good Arms vs. Bad Arms"
Mixes Well With: Scenic car rides

Death Cab For Cutie - Narrow Stairs
Genre: Indie Rock
First Heard It: For some reason i was skeptical about this album. However, my fears were put to rest when KRCL played "Grapevine Fires" the day the album was released. (I should note that again i was with John in Farmington building a deck.)
Favorite DCFC memories: Not getting rained on at their concert despite the clouds looking very ominous.
Best Songs: "Your New Twin Sized Bed" - Great Great story telling! Breaks my heart every time.
Mixes Well With: Saturday Chores.

The Broken West - Now or Heaven
Genre: Indie Rock
First Heard It: Saw them on Letterman playing "Auctioneer." It was my second favorite talk show performance of the year.
Favorite Broken West Memories: I heard them for the first time like a month and a half ago so i am sure many great moment are a head...but none yet.
Best Songs: "Auctioneer" - "Gwen, Now and Then" - "Terror for Two"
Mixes Well With: Road Trips

Dan Tyminski Band - Wheels
Genre: Folk and/or Bluegrass
First Heard It: On the "Live on KXEP" Podcast. The info section said that he was the singing voice for George Clooney on "O' Brother Where Art Thou" and i figured i would give it a listen. It lead to my recent bluegrass infatuation.
Favorite Dan Tyminski Memories: Thinking from the very first listen - "If Joe Hinckley doesn't like this guy i just don't think we can be friends."
Best Songs: "Wheels" - "How Many Times"
Mixes Well With: Barn Dancing

Mates Of State - Re-Arrange Us
Genre: Indie Pop
First Heard It: This one is fuzzy, i am pretty sure the song "Lullaby Haze" was on a music sampler CD from PASTE magazine.
Favorite Mates of State Moments: For the better part of 3 months, every time i would get in my wife's car this CD was playing. When you are first married you sort of think that you and your spouse will love all, or at least most of the same things. As the months roll on you come to understand that the reality of the situation is that she will likely never play golf and you will have to be tricked in some way to watch "P.S. I Love You." And that is OK. That being said, one of the better parts of being married is loving stuff together. I love this album, it was one of my top three of the year...I has been a lot of fun to see Courtney love it too! (that was a long one)
Best Songs: "Lullaby Haze" - "Re-Arranger" - "Get Better"
Mixes Well With: Happiness, Chores, Road Trips, Exercise, In Car Karaoke....

Paul Jacobsen & The Madison Arm - s/t
Genre - Folk Rock?
Bias Disclaimer: Yes, i have my reasons to be biased here but the truth is the album is great!
First Heard It: In rough form...for the last five years. Finished Product....At the CD release show. It was a great show. I have been to many many PJ concerts and this was his best.
Favorite PJ &TMA Moments: Again the CD Release show. Sharing it with friends.
Best Songs: "Time" - "At That Day" - "You Were" - "Lung" (Of all the albums i have enjoyed this year this is the one that i know i can unapologetic ally encourage people to buy, and be pretty certain that everyone will like almost every song)
Mixes Well With: A good sound system, headphones, relaxing...

Sera Cahoone - Only As The Day Is Long
Genre: Folk/Alt Country
First Heard It: John Connors makes his third appearance. I heard it on my computer, but it was via his recommendation
Favorite Sera Cahoone Moments: Not being able to find the album because i can't spell her name (Sara, Sarah, Cahone, Cahoon Etc.)
Best Songs: "Baker Lake" - "You Might As Well" - "The Colder The Air"
Mixes Well With: Feeling Lonely

Albert Hammond Jr. - Como Te Llama?
Genre: Rock
First Heard It: On the way to the Radiohead concert. we were listening to the Boston equivalent of KRCL. They played "GfC." It was super catchy and i had Courtney write down the name and song when it was announced.
Favorite ABH Jr. Moments: Hearing the song on the way to Radiohead. This album also kept me alert while on a LONG drive to Augusta, MT.
Best Songs: "GfC" - "Victory In Monteray" - "In My Room"

Other Albums I Enjoyed:
Ben Folds - Way to Normal
Shearwater - Rock
Conor Oberst - s/t
David Byrne & Brian Eno - Everything That Happens Will Happen Today
Jenny Lewis - Acid Tongue
Matthew Ryan - Matthew Ryan vs. The Silver State
Blitzen Trapper - Furr
Coldplay - Viva la Vida
HoneyHoney - First Rodeo


Courtney said...

I love the review! Thanks for the shout outs! To add to the fun my five favorite as of today (in no particular order):
1) Honey Honey (Not for long, and My little toy Gun)
2) Adele (thanks to Tracie)
3) Bon Iver (these dudes can sing)
4) Common (my favorite hip hop right now)
5) Mates of State (I can never get sick of them)

Who do you love right now?

Adrianne said...

I'll comment and tell you thanks for the post because i love comments but I really don't have a clue what you just said!!

Thanks though for the new CD and for your patience with the musically-impaired!

john said...

I like the list. very important stuff to keep track of. I would pay seroius money to see a list of my dad's favorite songs from 1968, and hear his arguments in support of Steppenwolf, or Big Brother and the Holding Company.
To answer your question Courtney,
I am currently listening to and loving:
Radiohead- OK Computer.
Bon Iver- For Emma...and Blood Bank (side one in particular. Side two is going to take some time for me.)
Martin Luther King Jr's "I've been to the Mountaintop" Speech.
and my wife and kids yelling as loud as me when the Steelers make a good play.

Ashley C. said...

thanks for the music review. it is always nice to read another opinion- seeing that i usually only get johns! :)
and i was happy that so many great music moments happened in farmington. so fitting. great place. great music.
lets see what do i love right now?
gaslight anthem and the hsm3 soundtrack. :)

scott j said...

Ash -
so the other day i went with Courtney and the ward YW to a U of U Gymnastics meet. On the way home a girl declared her love for avenge sevenfold, papa roach etc, AND Brittany Spears etc. At the time i declared that she had the most varied musical taste ever. However, you now (by virtue of liking gaslight anthem and HSM3) get to wear that crown

ebv said...

I heard Bon Iver for the first time on KRCL as well. Seriously? Where has Justin Vernon been hiding?

Great post! As always, I LOVE your musical taste.