Honorable Mentions:
Alison Krauss & Robert Plant - Raising Sand (MOST HONORABLE MENTION)
Spoon - Ga Ga Ga Ga
Eddie Vedder - Into the Wild (soundtrack)
Iron & Wine - The Shephards Dog
Kanye West - Graduation
Lyle Lovett and His Large Band - It's Not Big It's Large
Okkervil River - The Stage Names
Avett Brothers - Emotionalism
Teddy Thompson -Up Front & Down Low
The Shins - Wincing The Night Away
Stars - In Our Bedroom After the War
Great Lake Swimmers - Ongiara
Beirut - The Flying Cup
Linda Thompson - Versatile Heart
10. Radiohead - InRainbows: As I have already posted, this album could change music history with it's "you pick the price" release. But this album also has some great music. You may also like: Interpol, Low, Magic Numbers, Of Montreal, and the Weakerthans

9. The National - The Boxer: The song "Slow Show" ends with the line "You know I dreamed about you for twenty-nine years before I saw you You know I dreamed about you, I missed you, for twenty-nine years"

8. Josh Ritter - The Historical Conquests of Josh Ritter: Clean crisp songwritting, His songs are simple and beautiful. If singer-songwritters are your thing, you will love Josh Ritter.

"Rumors," "Edge of the World," and "Real Long Distance" are among my favorite tracks. You may also like: Paul Simon, Gillian Welch, Griffin House, and Josh Rouse
7.Minus Story - My Ion Truss:

This has been my go to album since i bought it. Anytime i cant think of what to listen to, i put this on and i am satisfied everytime. The album has a great mix of energy and emotion. Favorite tracks include "Aaron" "Battle of Our Lives," and "Mamma Mamma" You may also like: The Mountain Goats, Aimee Mann, The Decemberists, and Broken Social Scene
6. Arcade Fire - Neon Bible:

5. Band of Annuals - Let Me Live: Local Band from SLC, but this selection is not just about supporting local music. This album is solid all the way through. This is Alt-Country at it's best, simple melodies that ring, perfect harmonies, and a powerful pedal steel that just sounds lonely. Of all the albums on the top 10 i think i am most confident recomending this album to anyone with any music taste, it is hard to dislike such classic songwritting. You may also like: Ryan Adams (and Whiskytown), Neil Young, Atherton, Steve Earl

4. Joe Henry - Civilians: After a good round of tennis my brother Paul recomended Joe Henry to me. Technically speaking he was nausiated that i had yet to hear Joe Henry, and now after listening to "Civilians" i understand his dissappointment. You may also like: Band of Horses, Teddy Thompson, and Damien Jurado

3. Fiest - The Reminder: Despiste her song "1234" being drastically overplayed on iPod commercials, the radio etc, i still can't get enough of it, and that pretty much says it all. Further, "My Moon My Man" could get my vote for song of the year. You may also like: Beth Orton, Stars, HEM, and Damien Rice
2. Fionn Regan - The End of History:

1. Wilco - Sky Blue Sky: You have likely heard songs from this album on VW commercials, which is fitting. This album is great fo a car ride.I recently started collecting records which has gotten me into enjoy albums as a whole. Every couple of years a movie comes out that redeems my faith in movies for example A Beautiful Life.